標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap Sure

帖子 1945
註冊 2018-7-25
用戶註冊天數 2168
發表於 2018-8-30 04:30
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Sure,Wholesale Jerseys China, he needs five to tie,Site Air Max Pas Cher, six to break. Never bet against Manning when it comes to such records.
But don't forget that Philip Rivers is having a superb season for the Chargers,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, too. And San Diego (6-7) desperately needs to win out for any chance of making the playoffs,NFL Jerseys China, which Denver already has reached.
Which also means not to bet against Manning and his Broncos when they face the Chargers in the final Thursday nighter of the season. Denver (No. 2 in the AP Pro 32) is a 10-point favorite over San Diego (No. 18,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, AP Pro32).
It seems inevitable that Peyton Manning will shatter the 50-touchdown passing mark set by Tom Brady in 2007,Cheap NFL Jerseys China. He might even do it Thursday night.