標題: China Jerseys the Broncos

帖子 1945
註冊 2018-7-25
用戶註冊天數 2168
發表於 2018-9-13 21:48
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DENVER (AP) — A wake-up call,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, or the sign of something more serious?
Once in the best position to capture the AFC West and home-field advantage through the playoffs,Wholesale MLB Jerseys Authentic, the Broncos (11-3) aren't a sure thing for either anymore.
"It humbles us and gets us back to the drawing board,Authentic NHL Jerseys," Denver defensive end Shaun Phillips said.
An unexpected 27-20 loss to the Chargers on Thursday night made Peyton Manning and the Broncos look average and placed all their regular-season goals in jeopardy,Stitched Jerseys.