標題: China NFL Jerseys

帖子 1945
註冊 2018-7-25
用戶註冊天數 2168
發表於 2019-3-12 09:03
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Harvey said the $85 million judgment — the damages amount,Discount Jerseys, which doesn't include the legal fees the Wilfs were also ordered to pay — stems from claims that shouldn't have been allowed to proceed because the time for bringing them had run out.
In a 17-page statement accompanying the appeal,Bob Cousy Jersey, the Wilfs' lawyers include 19 arguments they'll make about why they believe Wilson's ruling is flawed and should be tossed. Given the amount of time and effort that went into that phase of the case — the trial transcript is 26,Jerseys Wholesale,000 pages long and there were more than 200 courtroom days — Harvey said he expects the appeal to drag out for years.